Shawn's Weight Loss Journey

Page 3


Apr. 24, 2023


Here we go... It's time... I began the Keto Diet! Actually a slightly different version, which is a really big salad each day, but I can still nibble on Keto style food in my fasting window.

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then, your body and your fat are really good friends. I always hear people say "someday" I will start a weight loss plan... I say, someday is not a day of the week... why wait?

It took me a long while to realize that, but thankfully I realized before it was too late, that a fancy house, car, and cable television don't bring much happiness if you're dead. If you're at the weight that I was (or close to it) and you put your love of food and laziness ahead of the love of your family, then you're being totally selfish. Nothing else you've ever done will matter if your family is left alone with that fancy house, car, and cable television when you're gone. It's one thing to leave this world unexpectedly in some tragic accident, but it's plain stupid and selfish when you're packing your bags every time you sit at the dinner table. I can't do that anymore. I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.


The picture above really sums everything up for sure...

I have a Galaxy 3 Smartwatch. I wear it all the time except when it needs its two hours or so of charge time. I am very pleased with this device, and have it linked up to my computer, phone, and the tablet. It also works with my other apps, such as MyFitnessPal, Carb Manager, and Map My Walk. I can even shower and swim with this. It will also record my sleep and it detects restlessness as well. I need to figure some of the settings out, but I will keep you all posted.


Let's talk for a second about fast food, which is not on the KETO diet by the way. We all know fast food is the worst thing for you... Let's talk about "supersizing" (I used to be the king of this) With supersizing at all the fast food joints around, is it any wonder why so many Americans are overweight? Did you realize at times that you actually pay MORE to have regular items in a normal size? It does happen, more than you believe. For example, you can go buy a super humungous 44 oz drink for $.99 cents, but if you want the regular 20 oz, it's $1.39. Go figure that one out...

Personally, here's a thought... Every heavy person not dieting go into McDonalds and order a happy meal...without a kid with you... do yourself a favor... don't upgrade to a regular meal...

That'll fix em... lol

If you are in a pinch and must do fast food, here are some Keto friendly for charts for you.



Oh, before I forget, I'd like to prea... oops, rather, talk about motivation... I have a night run at work, which allows me to pretty much stay OUT of the truckstop food area, because with having the waters with me, I just simply roll in, fuel, and head on down the road! Simple, and I love it. Besides, there usually isn't any food available in the middle off the night, except junk, junk, and more JUNK!

If this gentleman can do it, so can I. He is another one I would love to talk to for motivation... Check him out!


If you look at the picture of the gentleman above, anyone can see that the goals we are setting are indeed more than possible...

Amazing what a little loss of weight can do for a person... With that being said, I am going to jump off here for today, and do a few things, then head over to the park for a walk. I hope to be making a before/after examples page for you to be inspired!

In addition to Keto and salads, I'm also doing "intermittent fasting". I find that this is seeming to really help me out, and it really isn't difficult. Basically, all you do is set a window of eating time, for example, I have a window, due to work, of between 10AM and 3PM as my "eating window" where I eat my selected foods for the day. During the rest of the time, I drink water, black coffee, and my Premier Protein shake. So far, it seems to be helping, but we shall soon see. I have a dedicated page to intermittent fasting below...



Let's get to work, shall we...